Sunday, May 24, 2009

I finished up Konstantin Meyl's _Scalar Waves_ volume in English and am now trying to synthesize his insights in the context of Tesla, Reich, Dollard/Vassilatos/Lindemann, Davis/Rawls, Reichenbach, etc. Without giving away all the details, _Scalar Waves_ is compelling reading for those interested in the fundamentals of Electro-magnetic theory and is worth your time to read all 650 pages. Meyl pulls together an alternate interpretation of Faraday and Ampere's laws in the comtext of Laplace's wave equation to arrive at a variant of 'Maxwells equations' that included eddy currents and potential vortices. From there he derives the mass, spin, and electrical/magnetic properties of the basic quanta including electon, neutron, photon, neutrino, and many others. He makes a compelling mathematical and experimental arguement to the effect that the (on average) 0 net mass and 0 net charge carriers in Tesla (and others) longitudinal wave transmitters are effectively neutrinos. This jibes nicely with Vassilatos (_Secrets of the Cold War Technology_) and Lindemann's (_Radiant Energy_, _Free Energy Secret of Cold Electricity_) description of the non-electrical neutral currents generated by Tesla via 'disruptive discharge' across a quenched spark gap to power his 'Tesla Transformers" (ground + flat coil + aerial capacity). This also jibes pretty well with the Reichenbach Od emanations as plasma-like discharge where in this case some neutrinos would be expressed (based upon earth resonance, and who knows what other factors) as alternately electron or positron and would thus co-annihilate and be expressed as photons and thus both visible and chemically photographical but without the generation of heat. Further, this calls to mind the blue orgone emanations visible in Reich's orgone accumulators if one conceives of the orgone as a set of spinning potential vortices (or neutrinos at phi*C speed) which again can co-annihilate to generate visible photons. Remember that Dollard feels the orgone accumulator is acting as a capacitor of massfree-orgone/magneto-dielectric field. There are also hints in this work as to the potential effectiveness of tesla coils and/or bifiliar coils as relevant pieces of scalar wave detectors. Also hints of radiesthia/dowsing as a result of biological/neural interaction with the scalar waves generating action potentials, and of course ancient Greek/Roman temples as resonant phase-modulated scalar wave voice transponders. The really exciting thing though is that now we have a mathematical theory derived directly from Laplace+Faraday+Ampere from which to make testable hypothesis concerning electromagnetic AND magneto-dieletric/longitudinal/scalar waves along with another experimental AND repeatable reproduction of Tesla's longitudinal transponder.

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