Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Secret of Light

Here is a relevant quote from Walter Russell's _The Secret of Life_ from the chapter "The Life Principle", section 'Suns are the seeds of creation'.

"In this manner the womb of mother earth becomes inpregnated with the seed of the man-idea extended from the sun, and the first cell of man unfolds from mother earth into the heavens toward the refolding light of the father.

The first pulsation of the mother-light which is borning God's idea into patterend form the the black light negative half of its pulsation cycle. The unfolding mother-light which reaches out into the heavens is the black light of expansion. Black light is the negative pattern of the positive idea of light as expressed by incandescence. In other words, black light is expanded, or unfolded, white light. Conversely, white incandescent light in contracted, or refolded black light.

This in Nature's method of giving formed bodies to formless idea. The positive father-light refolds the unfolding negative mother-light in cyclic wave pulsations which man calls 'growth', but growth is but a moving picture of sequential patterns of unfolding idea projected upon the imagined three-dimensional screen of time and space.

This is the Creator's method of electrically recording His One Whole Idea in many electrically sensed multi-patterned forms of matter."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Karl Hanz Welz

I have finally got around to reviewing Karl Hanz Welz website regarding his initial invention of 'orgonite' (orgone/chi generators) and related radionic equipment. His thoughts on the subject of orgone, radionics, action at a distance, mesmer/reichenbach/reich (animal magnetism/od/orgone) are quite advanced and his explanations quite good. He points out 2 important features of 'orgone'. 1) Negative Entropy (energy moves from lower to higher potential until saturation is reached), 2) 'Structural links', e.g. the irrelavance of physical distance when moving energy between sympathetic forms (symbols, icons, 'radionic rates', totems, etc.)

Also, his design for 'orgonite' is ridiculously simple and very similar to the more widely known Don Croft designs. It requires an 'organic' material (paraffin wax or resin or epoxy or bees wax) and a metallic powder (like those available at art stores). Mix up the resin (or equivalent) with about 40% (volume? weight?) metallic powder in the desired form and let it set. Clearly I will have to max some pucks and rods and earth rods. He doesn't seem to see any importance to the embedded crystals in the Don Croft designs.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Carbon rod and magnets

A few more thoughts....

Carbon and Magnets

I procured a 12" (length) x 1" (diameter) graphite rod from, also a 12" x 3/4" (outer diameter) copper pipe and a 12" x 1" (inner diameter) steel pipe, and 10 powerful ceramic magnet spheres of roughly 1cm diameter each.

Holding the magnets (various configurations) in my left hand and the graphite rod in my right hand, as described in 'A System of Caucasian Yoga' and mentioned in various of Gerry Vassilatos' writings and also mentioned in the BSRF tour of the Borderlands Museum (circa 1986) and written about on several websites under names like 'rods of ra' or 'egyptian rods'. In any case, the sensation is reasonably described as a 'thrilling current' running from the left side of my body to the right side with a strong 'pulse' to it. The sensation builds up to maximum strength over several seconds (up to about 30s) and then levels out. The sensation remains for several seconds after setting the rods and magnet down. Afterwords for a few minutes, the sensation is of having a spongy field around my hands, very much like after holding a pine tree for a minute or two. A steel rod in the left hand and carbon (graphite) in the right hand gave a similar but weaker effect. Likewise copper and graphite, but een weaker still. I had several friends try this also and they gave similar descriptions including 'tingling' and 'numbing' sensations in the hands.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have recently read through the body of articles written by Gerry Vassilatos for the Journal of Borderlands Research. Among these are articles on recording telluric signals from various mineral samples, directions on making an aura compass, several articles on Eidetic Space and Eidetic Geocentrism, and an article describing experiments with copper sheets elevated for an extended period of time (e.g. 70 years) which exhibit the emission of substantial beta and gamma radiation as a function of (among other things) time of day. I have yet to read the biography of Crookes, but this appears as if it would have been a good addition to the Lost Science book. Although I am still trying to synthesize all of this knowledge, at least now it is clear that much of his discussion of eidetics comes from the Greek philosophy of Democritus and Epicurus regarding eidola and effluxes.