I have begun considering the notion of treating 'current' as as a 'magnetic current vortex' (MCV) embedded within a metal body and 'potential' as a balanced 'dielectric potential vortex' in the space around a metal body and reinterpreting the body of electric/magnetic/etc. phenomena in this context. More on that as the theory progresses.
In other news, I found this patent 'Electic Compass' by Pedro Fodor, US Patent 6,230,415 B1(http://www.google.com/patents?id=DJUHAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=United+States+Patent+6230415&source=bl&ots=Uy03iEiuDW&sig=nMR4seK5WhQ20rJF6wDjBNStw5A&hl=en&ei=JecdSvrkD-DcmQeevaC6Bg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6#PPA1,M1). Note the similarities between this patent and Gerry Vassilatos' description of a human compass as a diamond shaped piece of aluminum foil on a pin. Next question, how do I buy one of these things?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009

A couple more thoughts:
1) Meaning of the orgone icon (left):
Think of the neutrino flux as primary and capable of generating the matter/anti-matter electron/positron pair. I would say the icon is a pretty good rune for describing this function.2) Accelerated radioactivity decay through neutrino bombardment:
a. Le Bon and Tesla both believed that radioactive emissions (alpha, beta, gamma rays) are the result of bombardment of the so-called radioactive substance (uranium for instance) by 'cosmic rays' as a function of the extreme density of substances like uranium. Le Bon, and Vassilatos, were both able to detect radioactive emissions from 'normal' metals like aluminum under concentrated sunlight. Further, Le Bon was able to demonstrate that under such bombardment, the half-life of his radioactive samples was definitely not a constant.
b. I recall an experiment described by Bill Beaty at the Keelynet Convergence back in 2001 in which he described abbreviating the half-life of radioactive substances through the use of an arc welder. Think of the arc weld as a (non-quenched) disruptive discharge, capable of interacting with the neutrino flux at sufficient voltage (I have seen 511-512kV from multiple sources).
c. Consider Wilhelm Reich's Oranur experiment in which he placed a small amout of radioactive substance in an orgone accumulator. As a result, everyone in the facility became very sick - as if being assaulted by radioactive emissions at a prodigious rate - and the site had to be abandoned for some weeks-months. When they returned, the formerly radioactive sample was completely emission free.
3) Speculated capacity of concentrated neutrino flux to also absorb light:
a. If a set of neutrinos could find expression alternately as electron(s) and positron(s) thus co-anihilating as a photon emission, is it not reasonable to suppose also that a photon could be captured by the neutrino flux, pulled apart into an electron and positron, and reconfigured into a neutrino again. At a later date, I will have to work through the math (quanta reactions, energetic emissions, etc.).
b. If this were the case, then Gerry Vassilatos' description of the vril as an organically growing (like a grape vine) radiant blackness remains compatable with the vril as neutrino flux thesis.
c. I have read (and need citation) a number of experiments with differential orgone accumulators (e.g. take a cardboard tube and wrap it with alternating layers of foil and wax paper with progressively more layers at one end than the other --> accumulation of blackness in space over time),
d. I met a man a few years ago at a Dan Winter workshop who reported actually seeing black vortices around himself.
e. There is much discussion in the T.T. Brown chapter of _Lost Science_ concerning arc welds and the generation of black 'spaces' that are capable of de-inertialising and absorbing matter. I'm still looking for a first-hand source on that one.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I finished up Konstantin Meyl's _Scalar Waves_ volume in English and am now trying to synthesize his insights in the context of Tesla, Reich, Dollard/Vassilatos/Lindemann, Davis/Rawls, Reichenbach, etc. Without giving away all the details, _Scalar Waves_ is compelling reading for those interested in the fundamentals of Electro-magnetic theory and is worth your time to read all 650 pages. Meyl pulls together an alternate interpretation of Faraday and Ampere's laws in the comtext of Laplace's wave equation to arrive at a variant of 'Maxwells equations' that included eddy currents and potential vortices. From there he derives the mass, spin, and electrical/magnetic properties of the basic quanta including electon, neutron, photon, neutrino, and many others. He makes a compelling mathematical and experimental arguement to the effect that the (on average) 0 net mass and 0 net charge carriers in Tesla (and others) longitudinal wave transmitters are effectively neutrinos. This jibes nicely with Vassilatos (_Secrets of the Cold War Technology_) and Lindemann's (_Radiant Energy_, _Free Energy Secret of Cold Electricity_) description of the non-electrical neutral currents generated by Tesla via 'disruptive discharge' across a quenched spark gap to power his 'Tesla Transformers" (ground + flat coil + aerial capacity). This also jibes pretty well with the Reichenbach Od emanations as plasma-like discharge where in this case some neutrinos would be expressed (based upon earth resonance, and who knows what other factors) as alternately electron or positron and would thus co-annihilate and be expressed as photons and thus both visible and chemically photographical but without the generation of heat. Further, this calls to mind the blue orgone emanations visible in Reich's orgone accumulators if one conceives of the orgone as a set of spinning potential vortices (or neutrinos at phi*C speed) which again can co-annihilate to generate visible photons. Remember that Dollard feels the orgone accumulator is acting as a capacitor of massfree-orgone/magneto-dielectric field. There are also hints in this work as to the potential effectiveness of tesla coils and/or bifiliar coils as relevant pieces of scalar wave detectors. Also hints of radiesthia/dowsing as a result of biological/neural interaction with the scalar waves generating action potentials, and of course ancient Greek/Roman temples as resonant phase-modulated scalar wave voice transponders. The really exciting thing though is that now we have a mathematical theory derived directly from Laplace+Faraday+Ampere from which to make testable hypothesis concerning electromagnetic AND magneto-dieletric/longitudinal/scalar waves along with another experimental AND repeatable reproduction of Tesla's longitudinal transponder.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Here are a couple more quotes from Gerry Vassilatos' _Lost Science_ concerning experiments with earth energies and iron rods:
"Earth Energy and Vocal Radio: Nathan Stubblefield" Page 86 under the heading 'Terminals':
"Touching a well grounded iron rod is a good first experiment to try in these regards. Try and find a place where power leakage into the ground is minimal...a park or wooded area. Take a yard-long iron ros whose surface is free of shellac or insulator coatings. Carefullt drive the rod into the ground with a hammer. Wetted hands ib the iron should produce a mild electrical sensation. These voltages can be measured. They 'pin' sensitive galvanometers. The current does not cease after several weeks if axtivity when properly placed."
and a similar experiment with hints of an 'orgone accumulator' comes from an excerpt on Franz Anton Mesmer from Page 9 in "Luminous World: Baron Karl Von Reichenbach" under the heading 'Animal Magnetism':
"Mesmer's earliest work centers around the development of a strange battery-like accumulator by which his earliest and most famous cures were wrought...The battery was developed slowly, the result of an attempt to mimic conditions found at certain "sacred spots" of the Austrian countryside. Mesmer constructed the battery to imitate natural configurations. It has a decidely organice asect to its internal structure. A grounded device, the wooden tub housed several thick layers of wet vegetable matter and iron slag. A single iron rod ran through the entire composition, closed at the top with a circular wooden barrier. While working with the development and application of his special battery, Mesmer himself received a distinct impulse when he touched the single iron pole. Electrostatic shock was not unknown. Familiar with these, he declared that this energy was completely different in nature, having a more body permeating and 'thrilling' aspect when experienced. But none of Mesmer's subjects reported that the effect was identical with common electrostatic shocks. These shocks were thrilling, vivyfying, exciting, and definitely curative. Those who touched the exposed rod experienced a sudden tingling rush which permeated their bodies, bringing delighted shrieks or sighs, but most often stimulating a sudden unconsciousness."
"Earth Energy and Vocal Radio: Nathan Stubblefield" Page 86 under the heading 'Terminals':
"Touching a well grounded iron rod is a good first experiment to try in these regards. Try and find a place where power leakage into the ground is minimal...a park or wooded area. Take a yard-long iron ros whose surface is free of shellac or insulator coatings. Carefullt drive the rod into the ground with a hammer. Wetted hands ib the iron should produce a mild electrical sensation. These voltages can be measured. They 'pin' sensitive galvanometers. The current does not cease after several weeks if axtivity when properly placed."
and a similar experiment with hints of an 'orgone accumulator' comes from an excerpt on Franz Anton Mesmer from Page 9 in "Luminous World: Baron Karl Von Reichenbach" under the heading 'Animal Magnetism':
"Mesmer's earliest work centers around the development of a strange battery-like accumulator by which his earliest and most famous cures were wrought...The battery was developed slowly, the result of an attempt to mimic conditions found at certain "sacred spots" of the Austrian countryside. Mesmer constructed the battery to imitate natural configurations. It has a decidely organice asect to its internal structure. A grounded device, the wooden tub housed several thick layers of wet vegetable matter and iron slag. A single iron rod ran through the entire composition, closed at the top with a circular wooden barrier. While working with the development and application of his special battery, Mesmer himself received a distinct impulse when he touched the single iron pole. Electrostatic shock was not unknown. Familiar with these, he declared that this energy was completely different in nature, having a more body permeating and 'thrilling' aspect when experienced. But none of Mesmer's subjects reported that the effect was identical with common electrostatic shocks. These shocks were thrilling, vivyfying, exciting, and definitely curative. Those who touched the exposed rod experienced a sudden tingling rush which permeated their bodies, bringing delighted shrieks or sighs, but most often stimulating a sudden unconsciousness."
Over the last week, I have made some more headway retreading Gerry Vassilatos' research. I listened to his 2 interviews from the Laura Lee show on his _Lost Science_ book, "Losing Science to Avarice" and "UFOs, Nazi's, and Beyond", and have also begun rereading "Lost Science". I have begun reading Gustav Le Bon's _The Evolution of Matter_, chronicling his early work with radioactive substances and unique interpretations, more on that later. Also, I have received and read the English-language versions of Dr. Konstantin Meyl's texts, _Scalar Wave Transponder_ and _Scalar Wave Technology_ which describe his theoretical and experimental extensions of Maxwell's Equations to include scalar waves (alternately called longitudinal waves, potential vortices, or dielectric lines of induction), and have received but not read his enormous _Scalar Waves_. Dr. Meyl describes these vortices/waves as traveling along the electric field pointer and being constituted of a neutron flux the particles of which oscillate between positive and negative charge yielding a net neutral charge.
I think it is worth quoting from _Lost Science_ on the subject of the amazing researches of Baron Karl von Reichenbach. Briefly, in the course of studying the impacts of alternate species of light (e.g. lunar rays) on the human body, the Baron discovered that his 'sensitives' and even he could see (electrically and magnetically neutral) plasma-discharge-esque flames emanating from minerals, crystals, magnets, people, braided wires connected to large metal plates exposed to various light spectra, chemical reactions, etc. Having read the Baron's original texts, translated into English and available through Borderlands Research Science Foundation, I find Gerry's description to be pretty well grounded in the facts of the experiments conducted by the Baron over a course on 40 years in the mid 1800's. In any case, here is the quote (_Lost Science_, "Luminous World: Baron Karl Von Reichenbach", page 19 under heading 'Od Energy'):
"New knowledge! First, sensitives could actually detect and report the penetrating effects of a new soecies in moonlight. Second, this conducted energy was not light itself. Had it been light, its effects could not have provoked spasms by conductive contact alone. Not light, but carried along with lightbeams. A curious paradox! Thrid, this conducted energy produced defined sensations when physiologically contacted and conducted. Fourth, this unknown energy was capable of being both absorbed and conducted along metal wires. Fifth, it was neither electrical nor magnetic energy. Sixth, it became radiant when discharged from points across space. Seven, after brief exposures, matter could store the energy for prolonged periods. Eight, mirrors could reflect the currents. Nine, all of his sensitives gace closely identical reports during their independant sessions. Cleraly this was a completely unrecognized force having its own laws and properties."
On page 9, Gerry also describes Mesmer's earth battery, as recorded in the works of the Baron, but that will have to wait for another post.
I think it is worth quoting from _Lost Science_ on the subject of the amazing researches of Baron Karl von Reichenbach. Briefly, in the course of studying the impacts of alternate species of light (e.g. lunar rays) on the human body, the Baron discovered that his 'sensitives' and even he could see (electrically and magnetically neutral) plasma-discharge-esque flames emanating from minerals, crystals, magnets, people, braided wires connected to large metal plates exposed to various light spectra, chemical reactions, etc. Having read the Baron's original texts, translated into English and available through Borderlands Research Science Foundation, I find Gerry's description to be pretty well grounded in the facts of the experiments conducted by the Baron over a course on 40 years in the mid 1800's. In any case, here is the quote (_Lost Science_, "Luminous World: Baron Karl Von Reichenbach", page 19 under heading 'Od Energy'):
"New knowledge! First, sensitives could actually detect and report the penetrating effects of a new soecies in moonlight. Second, this conducted energy was not light itself. Had it been light, its effects could not have provoked spasms by conductive contact alone. Not light, but carried along with lightbeams. A curious paradox! Thrid, this conducted energy produced defined sensations when physiologically contacted and conducted. Fourth, this unknown energy was capable of being both absorbed and conducted along metal wires. Fifth, it was neither electrical nor magnetic energy. Sixth, it became radiant when discharged from points across space. Seven, after brief exposures, matter could store the energy for prolonged periods. Eight, mirrors could reflect the currents. Nine, all of his sensitives gace closely identical reports during their independant sessions. Cleraly this was a completely unrecognized force having its own laws and properties."
On page 9, Gerry also describes Mesmer's earth battery, as recorded in the works of the Baron, but that will have to wait for another post.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I have recently finised 'Electric Universe' and 'Thunderbolts of the Gods' (DVD) from Thornhill and Talbott and am compelled by the idea of an electrical interpretation of cosmic effects. I think this idea has some rather compelling evidence behind it (read the book) and also that it intersects well with the idea (Wilhelm Reich _Cosmic Superimposition_, experimental reproduction here : "FUNCTIONAL THINKING: An Interview With Eric Dollard
by Tom Brown" http://www.scene.org/~esa/merlib/magneto-dielectric.pdf) that the intersection of two 'massfree cosmic orgone' streams (alternately described by Vassilatos as Vril channels) results in the generation of mass, electricity, and distinct galaxy-like forms as seen in many plasma discharges.
Also, I am reproducing the "Experiment: Ground Antennas
By Gerry Vassilatos & Michael Theroux" experiment (http://www.borderlands.com/newstuff/research/ground-ant.htm) with pretty good results so far. I tapped a foot-long steel pipe into the ground at the base of a large tree, spliced together a 30 ft unshielded steel cable from 4 small steel threads (~1mm diameter each), connected the steel cable to the steel rod, ran the cable up the tree about 6 feet, and then ran my cable into my dining room via a window. I then disconnected the normal antenna from a 1980's transistor radio and connected my steel cable to the radio. Gerry and Michael make claims that through a process of working the tuner over time, the set of available stations (AM) will grow over time and that eventually one will be able to pick up stations as far as Peking, China and South Africa from New York city. I ran the antenna at 9am 5/2/2009 and was able to pick up about 4 stations. Ocassionally over the next few hours, the volume would spuriously raise by a factor of 4 or so. By 3pm 5/2/2009, I had 8 clear stations. I just now worked the dial (9pm, 5/4/2009) and was able to pick up signals from 34 stations, only a few of them clearly. More news as time progresses.
by Tom Brown" http://www.scene.org/~esa/merlib/magneto-dielectric.pdf) that the intersection of two 'massfree cosmic orgone' streams (alternately described by Vassilatos as Vril channels) results in the generation of mass, electricity, and distinct galaxy-like forms as seen in many plasma discharges.
Also, I am reproducing the "Experiment: Ground Antennas
By Gerry Vassilatos & Michael Theroux" experiment (http://www.borderlands.com/newstuff/research/ground-ant.htm) with pretty good results so far. I tapped a foot-long steel pipe into the ground at the base of a large tree, spliced together a 30 ft unshielded steel cable from 4 small steel threads (~1mm diameter each), connected the steel cable to the steel rod, ran the cable up the tree about 6 feet, and then ran my cable into my dining room via a window. I then disconnected the normal antenna from a 1980's transistor radio and connected my steel cable to the radio. Gerry and Michael make claims that through a process of working the tuner over time, the set of available stations (AM) will grow over time and that eventually one will be able to pick up stations as far as Peking, China and South Africa from New York city. I ran the antenna at 9am 5/2/2009 and was able to pick up about 4 stations. Ocassionally over the next few hours, the volume would spuriously raise by a factor of 4 or so. By 3pm 5/2/2009, I had 8 clear stations. I just now worked the dial (9pm, 5/4/2009) and was able to pick up signals from 34 stations, only a few of them clearly. More news as time progresses.
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